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Why should you choose us?

We know the importance of winter snow safety and how our services are a critical part of that! We make it our priority to maintain safe winter environments for our customers by providing efficient and reliable snow removal and ice control services for commercial properties all along the Wasatch. Under our services, you are guaranteed to receive, 24/7 professional snow removal and ice control services every time it snows. We offer on-site and over the phone estimates, you can determine when you want it cleared away. If you need it removed after 2 inches or 3 inches of accumulation, we offer specialized snow removal contracts that let the customer determine at what snow depth they want snow removal and de-icing services.

During the winter months you bet we are monitoring upcoming snow storms day and night. Our crews and equipment are on call 24/7 to manage whatever comes our way before the first flake hits the ground.

We only use professional snow removal equipment. Our company prides itself on using only the best. We use top of the line snowplows and salt spreaders. These allow us to do a faster and safer job while maneuvering and moving snow around buildings, parked cars, and other obstacles that other companies may struggle with due to their sub-par equipment.

Our machinery is serviced regularly and well maintained to make them available to you when you need us most! Call us today to get your winter snow removal scheduled and ready for the first snow fall.

Due Note: Property owners are required to clear snow and ice from city sidewalks adjacent to all sides of their property. Ice must be removed to bare pavement, or made as level as possible and treated with ice melt, sand, or similar material. Do not move snow into the street or onto other sidewalks. We can help to eliminate this responsibility and ensure your property is safe for your customers day or night.

We Make Sure the Grass is Greener on Your Side