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We Can Install Various Fencing Types

Pro Landscape Utah offers professional fence installation services to Davis and Weber County residents. To ensure you have a fence that lasts for years to come, fence installations should be done by professionals. As a top-notch fence company, we provide an array of styles for our clients to choose from. You can increase curb appeal, add privacy, and improve your home with an eye-catching, new fence installed by the professionals at Pro Landscape Utah. Fencing can also provide a lot of value to your home by adding a finishing touch and additional security.

Vinyl Fencing Installation by Pro Landscaping Utah

The Benefits of Vinyl Fencing Installation

Our expert team is dedicated to working with you to create vinyl fencing that meets your unique needs. Since our 2011 founding, we have been one of the most trusted names in the industry. Hire us for your vinyl fencing installation and learn how we cater to the needs of each client, ensuring the results you need and deserve. When it comes to vinyl fencing, there are an array of different purposes: security, safety, landscape definition, privacy, and more. Whatever the reason you want vinyl fencing installed, we offer a style that will meet your needs. Visit us today to learn more about vinyl fencing.

Why Choose Vinyl Fencing Instead of Wood or Metal?

When exposed to the elements, wood rots over time. This alone makes wood fences less stable and reliable than their vinyl alternatives. Additionally, wood fences have a shorter life span and require more maintenance than vinyl fences. Wood and metal fencing costs less than vinyl fencing on average. Still, you will spend more on repairs and maintenance over the product’s lifespan. Typically, wood fences require cleaning, painting, staining, and more consistent maintenance. Vinyl fences don’t need painting or staining and can be cleaned with a simple spray down with a hose.

The Other Landscaping Services We Offer

In addition to fencing installations, Pro Landscape Utah provides a wide range of additional landscaping services, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Landscaping Installations – Our landscaping installations can help improve your home’s curb appeal and increase its beauty. We can install everything from flower beds to water features.
  • Sprinkler Installations – We service all brands of irrigation products, and our highly-trained staff can troubleshoot your system and make necessary in a timely manner.
  • Landscaping Material Installations – Whether you want to add gravel, stepping stones, rocks, or boulders, we can install them. If there’s a specific color, shape, or size you need, just ask.
  • Leveling & Grading – Properly leveled and graded yards help prevent erosion and boost the safety aspects of the property. Grading removes the topsoil from excess areas in your yard.

Contact Us Today for Fencing Installations

If you need a fencing installation estimate, you’ve come to the right place. When you Google “fencing installation near me” and are bombarded with options, choose Pro Landscape Utah. With nearly 10 years of industry experience, we know how to get the job done right the first time. Our team always comes prepared and has worked on fence installation jobs of various sizes. To learn more about the landscaping services we offer or to schedule a free estimate with our team, contact us today.

We Make Sure the Grass is Greener on Your Side