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Get to Know the Professional Services at Pro Landscape Utah

Pro Landscape Utah is Weber and Davis County’s leading landscaping company. Our mission is to transform your outdoor space into a usable oasis that suits your unique personality and boosts the value of your home. Planning a landscaping project may be overwhelming, so we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help ease the process for you.

Are You a Local Company?

Pro Landscape Utah is a local, family-owned company. Our founder, Raul Varela, started a local lawn and grounds company in 2011. After the high demand for exceptional landscaping services by our regular clients, Pro Landscape Utah became what it is today. Our local company was created to benefit our Weber and Davis County customers.

What Are Landscaping Design Services?

Landscape design is used to plan the layout of an outdoor area. After assessing the original state of a property, a visual representation is created to ensure precise planning using scaled dimensions. The landscape design includes existing features and additions that will be added during the physical transformation, such as botanical elements, hardscaping, irrigation solutions, fencing, and more.

What Services Does Pro Landscape Utah Offer?

Pro Landscape Utah offers a range of comprehensive landscaping services to boost the appeal and functionality of your property, such as landscaping installations, fencing installations, sprinkler installations, landscaping material installations, leveling & grading, xeriscaping & zeroscaping. We also offer premier zeroscaping and xeriscaping services to accommodate low-water properties, ensuring all our customers have access to exceptional landscapes.

What Products Does Pro Landscape Utah Install?

Our mission is to amplify the beauty of your property with customizable installations that fit your vision. We offer rock and stone installations used to cover paths or as add-ons to your garden. We install sod, topsoil, and mulch to give your garden a steady foundation. We also offer fencing and sprinkler installation that may accompany your landscape services or be performed independently.

What Is Your Design Process?

Our custom landscape design services are essentially floorplans for your outdoor living space. Alongside the homeowner, our specialists will analyze your current property to determine a practical layout, areas of focus, desired hard and soft materials, and which plants will be incorporated into the design.

When Is the Best Time to Start the Process?

The best time to start landscaping is springtime before it gets too warm. Landscaping in the spring allows your newly planted trees, shrubs, and flowers ample time to put down roots and grow. The next best time for landscaping is in the fall, but the summer and winter months should be avoided.

How Long Does Your Landscaping Process Take?

Our landscaping process time varies. Large-scale projects are expected to take significantly more time, but the average landscaping process takes roughly two weeks. Throughout the process, our professionals keep our clients updated on the status of their property. We also ensure our work site is clean and we are minimally disruptive while we work so your life continues as usual.

How Do I Maintain the Products You Install?

Our experts will give you a run-down of the proper maintenance plan needed to keep your property impeccable once they are finished with your landscaping project.

What Does a Landscape Installations Service Do?

Landscaping installations transform properties into useable spaces with aesthetic features that enrich your home. Landscape installations include softscaping elements such as flowers, trees, and shrubs, and hardscaping elements such as functional pathways, rocks, stone, and wood additions. We provide pest control solutions, irrigation systems, and ornamental walls for added performance and visual appeal.

Why Should I Hire Your Company?

Our seasoned professionals take pride in providing individualized landscaping results for each client. Our friendly team works alongside you to understand your vision so we can produce a landscaping design that brings your dreams to life. We specialize in creating efficient landscapes with a cohesive look that fits seamlessly into the aesthetic of your home.

Contact Us to Improve the Quality of Your Outdoor Space

If you are ready to remodel your outdoor space with quality services and a reliable team of experts, Pro Landscape Utah is here to guide you! Let us provide your property with stunning visuals, functional features, and value that doesn’t diminish with our industry-leading landscaping services. Call or send us an inquiry today to learn more about our services.

We Make Sure the Grass is Greener on Your Side